Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a retired officer's plea

Attention US Military Personnel


If you are ordered to violate Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, it is your duty to disobey that order. No “clarification,” whether passed by Congress or signed by the president, relieves you of that duty.

If you are ordered to violate Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, this is what to do:

1. Request that your superior put the order in writing.

2. If your superior puts the order in writing, inform your superior that you intend to disobey that order.

3. Request trial by courtmartial.

You will almost certainly face disciplinary action, harassment of various kinds, loss of pay, loss of liberty, discomfort and indignity. America relies on you and your courage to face those challenges.

We, the people, need you to support and defend the Constitution. I am certain that your honor and patriotism are equal to the task.

Read the whole thing here. Via Brad DeLong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be great if people could do that, but it's too much to ask a lower-level soldier. This mess has to be cleaned up at the top. I think irreperable damage has been done, but maybe our country can still recover. Another terrorist attack in the US before the elections and I don't know what would happen.